Drawing Portrait: No Ereaser used

Drawing Portrait without using Ereaser

This is a friend of mine.. I challenged myself in this sketch to not use the eraser, not even once, (because I do use it sometimes of course) don't know if professionnal people still use it too or not, anyway and guess what? I won :D yes I didn't use the eraser in this drawing not even once :D Im proud of myself again lol.
on the other hand I didn't do great job on the hair side, it was not clear on the picture that I drew from, and I didn't know how to manage and get a nice hair that would suit her face, maybe I was afraid to mess up and use the eraser, and that leads me to the conclusion that challenging myself to not use the eraser in a drawing is not a great idea, because it stressed me out a little bit and that's not cool, creativity does not work like that, if you want to express yourself in any way or form do it without limitations. But it was still a nice drawing, Selma liked it (the girl in the drawing) so after all it does not matter, only for me, I learned few thing, and that's how life is, you learn from your mistakes and from the few things you do everyday.

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