Fast Drawing portrait
Fast Drawing portrait
Or fast sketching, Im not good at fast drwing :( I'm very slow and just one portrait could take days from me to draw it.
That's me trying another way of drawing, don't know the name of it, I don't even know if it even has a name, all I know is that I saw many sketchs and portraits with that technique, and it still look good, I didn't draw directly the person to be honest with you, somebody else did it before, it's a copy from another sketch, that's it, it doesn't look as good as the original one but it's a good copy ^^
this drawing was originally made by a woman that lived near the high school where my sister studyed. she was on vacation with her husband and daughter and they got robbed of everything, so they just parked their car in a small forest near school untill they could figure out what to do. At that time students used to approach them food and other stuff.. and the woman used to draw portrait of people in exchange of money.. and that's how this drawing was brought to life. after a while they figured out a way to go back home, I think they were from the netherlands, because I remember they only spoke English and very few french which made it hard for them because back then English was not widely spoken in here.
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