Lobelia Barker The Artist

Lobelia Barker The Artist

Hello everyone! This is an old drawing I found lately deep in my old hard drive, it's of an American / Swedish friend of mine Lobelia Barker.. And She is a real artist, I love her work, you can check out her artwork in her facebook fan page or  on her website.
facebook page
official website
I copied what she says about her work from her page:
I am a full time artist and here I am showing off a little of what I do. I work with Custom airbrush, Paintings and Drawings (oil, akvarell, ink, pencil), Illustration, Sculpture, and now starting on tattoo www.lobeliabarker.com tel. 0736 671906
My specialties are dark pictures like stuff with sk***s and devastation but I enjoy doing beauty, and also horse art of any kind. I pride myself on having a particular style so you can recognize my hand in most things I have made. I work best from my own ideas, having a vivid imagination and a endless supply of ideas. But I can do most things as you can see from my pictures, so don`t be afraid to ask about something that is not listed as a specialty.
She also posted this drawing I made of her in her profile saying that it was the first time that someone draws her, it was always the other way around "her drawing people", and I can understand that because me too I have been drawing people for years now and till now nobody thought about drawing me..
I just thought I would help a fellow artist because I know the struggle that artists go through, like my friend Lobelia, she does an amazing job, and she is a great tattoo artist too she even made it to a nation Swedish TV program, but she does not get paid what she deserves, she also doesn't get enough exposure.. Yeah artists struggle too, it's not something new, they have been struggling since the beginning of time. many of them were aknowledged only decades after their death, like the legendary Vincent Van Gogh.. many others died poor but their paintings were sold after their deaths and made millions of millions of dollars.. Why is that?
If you know an artist, if you have a friend or even a family member that is an artist, in any kind of art, drawing, painting, music, photography.. please do not ask for free stuff, instead buy their creations and invite people to do so, give them real support, they do need it. the mistake that we all make is that we think that we are entitled to get something for free just because we know the artist or because they like us.. that is not how things work my friend
At the end I do hope that you liked this portrait drawing of Lobelia parker
Thank you for reading, and please check out other articles before you leave and don't hesitate to come back every now and then.. more interesting and cool stuff coming soon.
sending you light, love, and positive vibes.
Have a great night or day wherever you are.
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