A Quick Pencil Drawing time-lapse
Here's the final result:
Anyway, it has been a long time since I have drawn something, staying at home makes you go back to doing things that you used to do for fun, like sketching something that you like, so here's a little something for the weekend, since I can't go anywhere.
In case you didn't get the idea of this pencil drawing artwork, it's simply a woman sinking in her own tears, or it could mean that sadness is consuming her as a whole.. her hair is becoming one with the ocean of her tears.. so sad :(
Many people around the world can relate to this drawing, during these challenging times, that's why it got more reactions than the usual amount I get after uploading new artwork. Same thing happened to me when I firsst saw the pic, it is so deep that I instantly decided to draw it, so I saved it in my laptop (that was a while ago) and I forgot about it, and everytime I come across it I have the same feeling, and I tell myself that I definately have to draw it one day.. and finally the day has come, I had other plans but they were cancelled (which happens a lot lately to everyone) and I was stuck home and decided why not draw and get done with that long wated for project? after motivating myself with some music and some funny shows, I grabbed my usually Brevellier cretacolors pencils and my calson paper and started drawing. Ididn't had the intention to film a speed drawing, it came to my mind a little later when I started to appreciate the weather and told myself that it was such an amazing day, the sun was bright and shinning, perfect lighting to make a video. before I know it my tripod was installed, I was all set and ready to go.. filming conditions were too good to be true to the point that I didn't check how the footage is like I said earlier.. Anyway, the speed drawing video is not my best as you could see, but the drawing is great, I totally love it, and I hope you do too.. So far I only got positive feedback about it from the pencil drawing groups where I've posted it, but strangely since I have started making video about other topic such as filmmaking, my drawing videos started getting less and less views. especially the new ones
If you do like my work please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel, and follow me on social media, I have pretty much all the famous mose used ones. Thank you!
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