Independent Filmmaking For Beginners - Book
Independent Filmmaking For Beginners
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This was one of my dreams, to make a book about filmmaking where I would be able to share everything I know with people. Finally done it, and I am really proud of myself. Next dream is to make a book about drawing..
Here is the book description:
Absolute Beginners
Published by Smail Jarrou
First Edition
© Copyright 2022. Smail Jarrou. All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher.
The content of this book reflects the opinions of
the author and is intended to be used as
an adjust to responsible behavior. The author is in no way liable for any
misuse of the material.
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 5
HOW TO FIND A MOVIE IDEA............................................................................................ 9
HOW TO WRITE A SCRIPT................................................................................................. 13
HOW TO WRITE THE BEST DIALOGUE............................................................................ 20
SCOUTING............................................................................... 26
COSTUME DESIGNING...................................................................................................... 33
ACTING................................................................................................................................ 39
MAKEUP.............................................................................................................................. 46
STORY-BOARDING............................................................................................................. 50
CHOOSING YOUR CAMERA.............................................................................................. 54
CINEMATIC COMPOSITION.............................................................................................. 63
CAMERA ANGLES............................................................................................................... 68
CINEMATIC CAMERA MOVEMENTS................................................................................ 73
LIGHTING............................................................................................................................ 75
SOUND RECORDING.......................................................................................................... 84
MUSIC & SOUNDTRACK................................................................................................... 89
EDITING............................................................................................................................... 93
GRADING.................................................................. 99
PROMOTION.................................................................................................................... 106
FESTIVALS......................................................................................................................... 111
GLOSSARY......................................................................................................................... 116
If you are reading this then it means that you either have a story to tell through making a movie, or you want to make one but do not know where to start, or maybe you think that you do not have enough money for it. In all cases you are in the right place.
In this book I talk about every topic related to
filmmaking that you as a beginner would need. It took me a long time to learn what
I know today and I made many mistakes in the past. If you want to save yourself
some time and to avoid making the same mistakes then this book would be very
helpful for you.
Who am I?
I am just another human being out there who was always
passionate by films and filmmaking, I have a couple of short films of my own.
Two of them were selected in film festivals here and there and one of them even
won an award once in the category of "best short". I have been in few
big productions as well.
I took some online courses but I am mostly a self-taught
filmmaker, I learned through experience, through making mistakes.. Mistakes
that will not make if you apply my tips and tricks.
I do not pretend to be a Tarantino or a Spielberg, but
I do have a little experience that could be inspiring to you and could push you
to start making your own movies, in the best way possible with just the
resources that you have access to.
This is my little contribution to humanity, some
knowledge I acquired through the years that would be a drop in the sea of the
filmmaking industry.
What to expect?
I will use simple basic English language so that
everyone in the world would understand what I am talking about.
I will avoid technical terms if possible, keeping it
simple and fun.
I will make things short, and straight to the point.
Every part of the filmmaking process deserves a full
book for itself, I will give you just the amount you need to have a general
idea and to start making your first film.
You might argue that there are so many tutorial videos out there about everything mentioned in this book. I agree, and sometimes visual material is way better in explaining like in the case of editing, or sound mixing... But reading makes you workout your brain, the information you read have more chance to stick in your mind. Your brain is like a muscle, when you work it, it gets stronger.
The part of your brain that gets activated when you
read is the same that is responsible for creativity, when you read a lot, your
creativity gets stronger but when you feed your mind ready-to-go visuals, you
are weakening it.
Thank you for reading!
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