Pencil drawing artwork
Pencil drawing artwork
One of my old pencil drawings that I had to delete, simply because the text I posted with has some words that search engines don't usually like.
In where I live it is very difficult to find models to pose for drawings like this one, for several reasons and I do not blame them of course, it is not easy to expose yourself in public even if you will stay anonymous. And as you all know the best fruit is always the forbidden one, I wanted to do it, I wanted to make similar art but not using a regular picture from the internet of someone that i don't know, I wanted to draw someone I know and I connect with, it gives a meaning to the final piece, and it is more interesting to me.
So after some struggle I found a female friend that accepted to be my model.. She is a friend of mine and she does not mind to have her body as the subject of drawing, when she saw the final result she absolutely loved it. And I shared it after her explicit consent, like I always do of course.
Like usual, I used 2 pencils, 2H and 2B, a paper blending stick and an Eraser of course.. I didn't make a video of me drawing because I was not planning to draw that day, and making a drawing video requires effort and technical setups and tools like camera, lighting system, desk or comfortable table, being in the best comfy position and posture... And I remember it was totally spontaneous that day for me to draw, one moment I was looking at the picture, the next one I grabbed my pencils to sketch it.. few moments later I found myself totally deep inside the paper trying to get the best of my skills out... I did post few videos on my Instagram account and also on Snapchat but each one of them was just few seconds long, by the way don't forget to follow me in Instagram if you are not already.
You might be wondering why I don't draw as much as I used to do in the past, well recently with my new job it is very difficult for me to keep a high drawing frequency, I keep travelling and changing places, plus drawing requires a huge effort from me, both physical and mental, I basically cannot sketch anything good if I am not in the right mood. Another thing is that I am right now in a kind of shifting, I may change my focus and mindset from portrait drawing to something else, and I'm not talking about the filmmaking and filmmaking tutorials that I recently got into, no, just in the drawing field, I am considering switching to drawing cartoons. Also using more colors, I have been using single colored pencils for so long that it is time now to try something new, plus I love colors actually.. So I don't know, until then enjoy my portrait pencil creation and I will keep you posted.
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