#Pencil #Drawing #Portrait

#Pencil #Drawing #Portrait

This would be the first portrait I draw in 2018, or let's just say the first drawing I finish in 2018 because I started in since last December. I haven't been creating art lately because work has been busy, also moving and changing places is very stressful. I actually was focusing more about my short movie, that I finally shot after 3 years of looking for a good actress.
I don't like that much when things don't go according to the plan.. I bought the domain Smail-jr.com and was planning to post here more often, but as you can see, only 2 posts so far.. I guess I will just do whatever I feel like doing, and stop forcing things or trying to stick to a plan. Creativity does not work like that. I will just draw whenever I feel like drawing, make music whenever I feel like composing, shoot videos whenever I feel like producing a new movie.. and so on..
Anyways, it's mostly drawings, cause that's what I do most, and here I am starting this new year 2018 with this pencil portrait. Like always the pencils used are h2 and b2 (I'm thinking about making a review about the set of pencils I use in my drawings as some people requested, so stay tuned).
By the way I didn't have any resolutions this year.. I think I evolved past that "waiting for a day to change" phase, because change can be anytime.
I also didn't make a video of this portrait drawing, I just posted a short one on my instagrm
By the way, this is Britney Rollins (not her real name), which is in case you are not folling my movie project, the actress I found to act in my short film. Drawing her portrait was part of showing gratitude, I am really grateful that I came across her right on time, so that I can make one of my biggest dreams come true. And I was really flattered and glad when I showed her because she loved it..

More drawings are coming up soon (hopefully), and Happy belated new year, thank you again for sticking around with me all this time I'm extremely grateful <3 I have no words to express my gratitude, you're not a lot but few faithful fans are worth the world. and the number is growing constently lol

If you want to enlarge the picture to see it more clearly just click on it, I was forced to make the pictures look smaller on my posts because they kinda make the website seem "empty", for more information refer to the first post here, I talked about it in details. Thank you for your comprehension. I really did not want to bother my followers by long texts everytime but what can you do? trying to comply with the community guidlines.. I will try to find a way to come up with two kinds of texts, one that is important and the other that would be optional to read. So that the viewers can have the chance to enjoy the drawing pictures and get just enough informations about it without wasting time.
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