Drawing little kid
Drawing little kid
Drawing kids is easy to be honest, especially babies, because they don't have a lot of details on their faces, and the shapes of face and stuff are not complicated.
This is my nephew by the way, I love him so much! he looks just like my brother when he was his age, I think he's five years old by now.
I have used three pencils, HB, 2HB, 2H, eraser and a paper blending stick, I drew on callson white paper. It is a shame that untill now I couldn't find any good quality paper, I just can't seem to be happy with what I find in libraries paperwise :( I think I will have to check online maybe I will find something.
I unfortunately didn't make a video of me drawing this little kid, it was just one moment when I took the paper and started drawing, I wasn't even planning to draw anything that day. But then I regret it later because this portrait drawing seems to come out really good, one of the kids drawing that I am proud of. That makes it twice now because it's not the first time that I do it :( I also drew my niece about 2 years ago and didn't film it and her portrait drawing came out great.. Ths only kid that I filmed drawing is on this post here and the video of that kid drawing is here.
But I must admit that this speed drawing video of this kid portrait drawing is not the best.. it was not very well filmed, and I didn't catch the whole process on camera. wich make not filming this new kid portrait drawing even worse.. But next time I will think a lot before just drawing like that.
It is important sometimes to share the moment of creation with other people, it helps putting people inside the artwork, that's why videos are very useful.
Anyway hope you like this kid sketching, hopefully I will make more Artwork for you and more videos to enjoy!
I think the next step is to draw a baby, because I drew kids, adults and even older people but I have never drawn a baby, or I think I did in the past but Th drawing does not qualify to be posted online, it's very messed up. So yes I think I must draw a baby at least once and see how the drawing will come out.. I could even use colors since I still have my set of faber castell colored pencils that I still didn't use plus I might get more art supplies very soon.
That's it guys, Thank you again for sticking with me and liking what I do, you have no idea how grateful I am to have such amazing followers and viewers.
Have a great day or night depending on where on earth you are located. and good luck in whatever you do in your life. And if you are an artist then please continue creating art, the world needs you, the only thing that will change the world to the best is art.. So do it and teach it to your children
peace and love
That's it guys, Thank you again for sticking with me and liking what I do, you have no idea how grateful I am to have such amazing followers and viewers.
Have a great day or night depending on where on earth you are located. and good luck in whatever you do in your life. And if you are an artist then please continue creating art, the world needs you, the only thing that will change the world to the best is art.. So do it and teach it to your children
peace and love
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